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  1. CraftyCrypto85 and you guessed it i was being salty af. Ill be waiting for that 50 brotato chip
  2. No offense broham but rules state clearly .05 must be the bet and it looks as thought you didnt quite make it
  3. And the douche bag of the day award goes to...... WHAT A PLAY! Come on down brother take a bow. See the thing is It hasnt been an hour, its been nearly 4 fucking days thats almost half the length of the event. Go troll someone else and while you're at it swap play in your name for douche it would be a much more appropriate title. And the only thing we were expecting is what was advertised. Its the principle of the thing, I could give a fuck less about the money. I just dont like being lied to.
  4. Its amazing how much you can say while you got father cocos dick all in your mouth I spent wagered 100k with him and got 5 doge you think sucking him off ids gonna earn you extra points then you in for a sad surprise .... yup its not money but it is the money shot
  5. I hate to sya it but CoCo you really dropped the ball on this one I know Severala other and myself who have been here waiting patiently (some not so patiently) for the promotion that was advertised Its been 3 days, since youve dropped any codes on us. You guys seriously let me down
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