I swear this had happened to me with ETH, except i took screenshots of my rolls afterwards. Which I also sent messages to Coco and some mod on my friends list. the messages were identical. But were completely cordial stating the games #s & what had happened. Im sure they gey tons of accusations of being a scam on the regular (& probably for good reason too) ... but i even went as far as to point out and explain in detail proof i wasnt lying. I did this by giving an example with my rolls.
Starting at a point right before this had happened, and since i couldnt prove my prior bankroll, i gave the house complete assurance i wasnt trying to scam them amd i was being honest when i said: assuming that my entire bankroll was that entire amount that i had bet on that first roll. (So i cant be pulling other money outta nowhere)
From that roll, which i obviously had won, i did the math for all the results of the rest of the games played by me, ending on a positive number, greater than zero. no withdrawals, swaps, or sending to other players, etc. Nothing. As im sure they could check alk of those. Yet, even though the math said i shouldve had at least that ending amount, (still assuming i went all in from the first roll, even though i didnt and i had a little bit more eth)(which makes it even worse for me) my balance said zero. Which prior balance or not should be impossible.
I never got a reply from either. This was months ago. I emailed support, which i think i had to guess the address since i couldnt find it anywhere. No reply there either, not then, not since. I cant even get responses to regular messages or questions.. you may be wating your time here. Sorry.