I wanna advise u any.....They are all just my visions...
1.To reduce minimum withdrawal amount of any coins-
Minimum withdrwal amount of some coins are so high...Gamblers must play to reach minimum amount for withdrawal...But Any gamblers lost by playing to reach minimum amount...
2. Ban Scammer Permanent-
We reported about some scammers.But They r not banned permanently...So,Scammers are not afraid punishment & If they will be banned & they escape from Abondon,they change their names and scam back.....
3.Mods r not perfect ...Don’t be angry me.In sometimes,Not only players but also mods beg from Bosses which droppped a Drop & Rain.But Mods are not banned Whatever,I think that we must get equal human rights..
All of them are not negative....I just advise to fair...I always love BC & Coco...BC make me funny & exciting....Bc is the best among which I played Gambling games.So,I always spend between 6-10 hrs per day in BC game.