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     If you want to add to the story - Rules are simple. 

    *Use word play with coin names- try to stick to the coins that are at BC game.   

    *change the color of the TEXT of the coin when you use it in the story  so it stands out

    ( see the first post to see how it looks).

    *Cruel, trolling and  posts that are harmful or malicious will be removed

     at the discretion of the original author or admin of this forum. 

    *Don't use personal information about anyone in this forum. EVER.  Usernames only.  

    HAVE FUN . DON'T BE SHY .... there is no wrong way to participate.  



     Walking The Doges 

    A funny story about your favorite shitcoins






           BigEarny and Hawps are virtual neighbors.  These guys are friendly neighbors with a pretty cool crypto routine.   Each morning  as the sun rises Hawps brews two fresh hot cups of USDT (tea) .   Earny prepares  a stack of Cake Coins and some sliced Banannos then brings the sweet breakfast to his neighbor's front porch.   

            The two crypto enthusiasts enjoy their cups of USDT  differently.  Hawps prefers a splash of milk and sugar in his USDT but Earny drinks his cup with a Dash of cinnamon too.  Sometimes the men include variety like a  sausage Link or a roll of sunrise Sushi.   

               After their daily breakfast Earny takes his Doges for a walk while Hawps  feeds his pet Bat.  When Hawps is not paying attention Earny motions for his Doges to use Hawp's well maintained lawn to go potty.  Every time  Earny's pets poop like this  Hawps somehow senses the rude activity and marches out to confront his old buddy. 

                In a leap of surprise Earny turns to look at his angry friend and apologizes for letting the Doges use the nice grass as a  bathroom.  As the men discuss the Dodge poop problem they both get a whiff of a foul odor. 


                With there noses wrinkled in disgust they both shout at the same time - while pointing to the other's shoes  "You stepped in Shib!"  They both inspect  then confirm that yes they both stepped  in a steaming pile of Shib coins. 

                Boisterous laughter booms through the neighborhood as the guys hose off.  Once they are all cleaned up they bid each other good luck and head to their favorite crypto casinos where they will surely bump into one another again since they both frequent  BC.Game for betting with crypto coins.





    Edited 9 hours ago by Ladyy

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