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Can someone help me transfer the script to Crash?


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I have a Lua script that runs very well. Can anyone help me convert this script to Crash?

base          = balance * 0.00000100
base2         = base
chance        = 50
nextbet       = base
targetprofit  = balance * 1.05
ppc           = 1.005
tg            = base
mt            = 1
bethigh       = false
balmax        = balance * 1.001 

function dobet()
    if math.random(1, 3) % 2 == 0 then
        bethigh = true
        bethigh = false

    chance = math.random(45, 55)

    print("Multi: " .. mt)

    if balance >= targetprofit then
        print (">>> Profit reached: " .. string.format("%.8f", profit))

    if win then
        if profit >= tg then
            tg = profit * ppc
            nextbet = base2
            if profit >= 0 then
                mt = 1
                mt = -1
            nextbet = profit * mt * 0.15 + base
        if profit >= 0 then
            mt = 1
            mt =- 1
        nextbet = previousbet * (chance/25)

        if nextbet >= profit then
            base = previousbet * 0.1 + base

    if balance >= balmax then 
      balmax  = balance * 1.001
      nextbet = base2
      print("balmax: "..balmax)

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  On 1/10/2024 at 6:23 PM, Ffzcbbtyzoyb said:

این اسکریپت Lua روی کدام بازی اجرا می شود..



  On 1/7/2024 at 2:14 AM, ThaoVy said:

من یک اسکریپت Lua دارم که خیلی خوب اجرا می شود. آیا کسی می تواند به من کمک کند تا این اسکریپت را به Crash تبدیل کنم؟

پایه = تعادل * 0.00000100
base2 =
شانس پایه = 50
شرط بعدی =
سود هدف پایه = تعادل * 1.05
ppc = 1.005
tg = پایه
mt = 1
bethigh =
balmax کاذب = تعادل * 1.001 

تابع dobet()
    اگر math.random(1, 3) % 2 == 0 سپس
        bethigh = true
        bethigh =
    پایان نادرست

    شانس = math.random (45، 55)

    چاپ ("چند:" .. mt)

    if balance >= targetprofit سپس
        print (">>> سود رسید: " .. string.format("%.8f", profit))
        print ("")

    اگر برنده شد، پس
        اگر سود >= tg، سپس
            tg = سود * ppc         بعدی
            = base2             اگر سود >= 0 سپس                 mt = 1 mt             دیگر                 mt = -1             end             next bet = سود * mt * 0.15 + پایان پایه         دیگر     اگر         سود >= 0 پس             mt = 1 mt         دیگر             =- 1         پایان         بعدی = شرط قبلی * (شانس/25)


        اگر nextbet >= سود،
            پایه = شرط قبلی * 0.1 +
    پایان پایه

    اگر تعادل >= balmax سپس 
      balmax = تعادل * 1.001
      nextbet = base2
      print("balmax: "..balmax)


I'm sorry 

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i am working on it give me a few minutes.

Here you go i made sure it loaded but that was all the validation i did really.  So make sure the logic is still correct and good luck.


var config = 
		label: 'Bets',
		type: 'title'
		label: 'Base Bet',
		value: currency.amount * 0.00000100 ,
		type: 'number'
		label: 'Payout Section (There is a high and a low value, when set a random value will be chosen between these numbers)',
		type: 'title'
    chanceLow: {
        label: 'percentage change to set payout low',
        value: 45,
        type: 'number'
	chanceHigh: {
        label: 'percentage change to set payout high',
        value: 55,
        type: 'number'
	stoppingConditions: {
		label: 'Stopping Conditions',
		type: 'title'
	targetProfit: {
		label: 'Target Profit',
		type: 'number',
		value: currency.amount * 1.05

var base          = config.baseBet.value;
var base2         = base;
var chance        = 50;
var nextbet       = base;
var targetprofit  = config.targetProfit.value;
var ppc           = 1.005;
var tg            = base;
var mt            = 1;
var bethigh       = false;
var balmax        = currency.amount * 1.001;
var previousbet = nextbet;
var startingBalance = currency.amount;
var runningBalance = currency.amount;

function main()
	game.onBet = function(){
		// this random function will return a number between 1 and 3 inclusively so (1,2,3) if that is not the desired behavior you should modify the inputs.
		if(GetRandomInt(1, 3) % 2 == 0)
			bethigh = true;
			bethigh = false;

		chance = GetRandomInt(config.chanceLow.value, config.chanceHigh.value);

		log.info("Multi: " + mt);

		if((runningBalance - startingBalance) >= config.targetProfit.value)
			log.info(">>> Profit reached: " + profit.toFixed(8));
		game.bet(nextbet, (99.00/chance)).then(function(payout)
			// also making the assumption here that profit is supposed to be the profit just from the last bet.  So a loss should be -betamount and a win would be betamount * payout - betamout
			// if this is not the case and you wanted a running netProfit you will have to add that in yourself to track it as the balance value is only ever accurate when the script initially starts. its like a snap shot.
			let profit = currentBet * config.payout.value - currentBet;
			// Didn't see this declared anywhere just used below so i am initializing it before the nextbet is modified
			previousbet = nextbet;
			runningBalance -= previousbet;
			if(payout > 1)
				runningBalance += previousbet * payout;
				if(profit >= tg)
					tg = profit * ppc;
					nextbet = base2;
					if(profit >= 0)
						mt = 1;
						mt = -1;
					nextbet = profit * mt * 0.15 + base;
				if(profit >= 0)
					mt = 1;
					mt =- 1;
				nextbet = previousbet * (chance/25);

				if( nextbet >= profit)
					base = previousbet * 0.1 + base

			if(runningBalance >= balmax)
				balmax  = runningBalance * 1.001
				nextbet = base2
				log.info("balmax: " + balmax)

function GetRandomInt(min, max) {
    var retValue = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min;

    return retValue;

function GetRandomFloat(min, max)
    var retValue = Math.parseFloat((Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min).toFixed(4));

    return retValue;


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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 1/12/2024 at 3:43 PM, Skele said:

i am working on it give me a few minutes.

Here you go i made sure it loaded but that was all the validation i did really.  So make sure the logic is still correct and good luck.


var config = 
		label: 'Bets',
		type: 'title'
		label: 'Base Bet',
		value: currency.amount * 0.00000100 ,
		type: 'number'
		label: 'Payout Section (There is a high and a low value, when set a random value will be chosen between these numbers)',
		type: 'title'
    chanceLow: {
        label: 'percentage change to set payout low',
        value: 45,
        type: 'number'
	chanceHigh: {
        label: 'percentage change to set payout high',
        value: 55,
        type: 'number'
	stoppingConditions: {
		label: 'Stopping Conditions',
		type: 'title'
	targetProfit: {
		label: 'Target Profit',
		type: 'number',
		value: currency.amount * 1.05

var base          = config.baseBet.value;
var base2         = base;
var chance        = 50;
var nextbet       = base;
var targetprofit  = config.targetProfit.value;
var ppc           = 1.005;
var tg            = base;
var mt            = 1;
var bethigh       = false;
var balmax        = currency.amount * 1.001;
var previousbet = nextbet;
var startingBalance = currency.amount;
var runningBalance = currency.amount;

function main()
	game.onBet = function(){
		// this random function will return a number between 1 and 3 inclusively so (1,2,3) if that is not the desired behavior you should modify the inputs.
		if(GetRandomInt(1, 3) % 2 == 0)
			bethigh = true;
			bethigh = false;

		chance = GetRandomInt(config.chanceLow.value, config.chanceHigh.value);

		log.info("Multi: " + mt);

		if((runningBalance - startingBalance) >= config.targetProfit.value)
			log.info(">>> Profit reached: " + profit.toFixed(8));
		game.bet(nextbet, (99.00/chance)).then(function(payout)
			// also making the assumption here that profit is supposed to be the profit just from the last bet.  So a loss should be -betamount and a win would be betamount * payout - betamout
			// if this is not the case and you wanted a running netProfit you will have to add that in yourself to track it as the balance value is only ever accurate when the script initially starts. its like a snap shot.
			let profit = currentBet * config.payout.value - currentBet;
			// Didn't see this declared anywhere just used below so i am initializing it before the nextbet is modified
			previousbet = nextbet;
			runningBalance -= previousbet;
			if(payout > 1)
				runningBalance += previousbet * payout;
				if(profit >= tg)
					tg = profit * ppc;
					nextbet = base2;
					if(profit >= 0)
						mt = 1;
						mt = -1;
					nextbet = profit * mt * 0.15 + base;
				if(profit >= 0)
					mt = 1;
					mt =- 1;
				nextbet = previousbet * (chance/25);

				if( nextbet >= profit)
					base = previousbet * 0.1 + base

			if(runningBalance >= balmax)
				balmax  = runningBalance * 1.001
				nextbet = base2
				log.info("balmax: " + balmax)

function GetRandomInt(min, max) {
    var retValue = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min;

    return retValue;

function GetRandomFloat(min, max)
    var retValue = Math.parseFloat((Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min).toFixed(4));

    return retValue;





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  • 1 month later...

var config = {
    label: "Base Bet",
    value: currency.amount * 0.00000100,
    type: "number"
    label: "Payout Section (There is a high and a low value, when set a random value will be chosen between these numbers)",
    type: "title"
chanceLow: {
    label: "percentage change to set payout low",
    value: 45,
    type: "number"
chanceHigh: {
    label: "percentage change to set payout high",
    value: 55,
    type: "number"
stoppingConditions: {
    label: "Stopping Conditions",
    type: "title"
targetProfit: {
    label: "Target Profit",
    type: "number",
    value: currency.amount * 1.05

var base            = config.baseBet.value;
var base2           = base;
var chance          = 50;
var nextbet         = base;
var targetprofit    = config.targetProfit.value;
var ppc             = 1.005;
var tg              = base;
var mt              = 1;
var bethigh         = false;
var balmax          = currency.amount * 1.001;
var previousbet     = nextbet;
var startingBalance = currency.amount;
var runningBalance  = currency.amount;
var payoutValue     = 99.00 / chance;

function main(){
    game.onBet = function(){
    // this random function will return a number between 1 and 3 inclusively so (1,2,3) if that is not the desired behavior you should modify the inputs.
    if(GetRandomInt(1, 3) % 2 === 0){
        bethigh = true;
    } else {
        bethigh = false;
    chance = GetRandomInt(config.chanceLow.value, config.chanceHigh.value);
    payoutValue = 99.00 / chance;
    log.info("Multi: " + mt);

    if((runningBalance - startingBalance) >= targetprofit){
        log.info(">>> Profit reached: " + profit.toFixed(8));
    game.bet(nextbet, payoutValue).then(function(payout){
    var profit = nextbet * payoutValue - nextbet;
    previousbet = nextbet;
    runningBalance -= previousbet;
        if(payout > 1){
            runningBalance += previousbet * payoutValue;
            if(profit >= tg){
            tg = profit * ppc;
            nextbet = base2;
            } else {
                if(profit >= 0){
                    mt = 1;
                } else {
                    mt = -1;
                nextbet = profit * mt * 0.15 + base;
        } else {
            if(profit >= 0){
                mt = 1;
            } else {
               mt =- 1;
            nextbet = previousbet * (chance / 25);
            if( nextbet >= profit){
                base = previousbet * 0.1 + base;
        if(runningBalance >= balmax){
            balmax  = runningBalance * 1.001;
            nextbet = base2;
            log.info("balmax: " + balmax);

function GetRandomInt(min, max) {
var retValue = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min;
return retValue;


I fixed it.

Edited by Campsbfogpac
mess up
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  On 3/23/2024 at 12:50 PM, Campsbfogpac said:

var config = {
    label: "Base Bet",
    value: currency.amount * 0.00000100,
    type: "number"
    label: "Payout Section (There is a high and a low value, when set a random value will be chosen between these numbers)",
    type: "title"
chanceLow: {
    label: "percentage change to set payout low",
    value: 45,
    type: "number"
chanceHigh: {
    label: "percentage change to set payout high",
    value: 55,
    type: "number"
stoppingConditions: {
    label: "Stopping Conditions",
    type: "title"
targetProfit: {
    label: "Target Profit",
    type: "number",
    value: currency.amount * 1.05

var base            = config.baseBet.value;
var base2           = base;
var chance          = 50;
var nextbet         = base;
var targetprofit    = config.targetProfit.value;
var ppc             = 1.005;
var tg              = base;
var mt              = 1;
var bethigh         = false;
var balmax          = currency.amount * 1.001;
var previousbet     = nextbet;
var startingBalance = currency.amount;
var runningBalance  = currency.amount;
var payoutValue     = 99.00 / chance;

function main(){
    game.onBet = function(){
    // this random function will return a number between 1 and 3 inclusively so (1,2,3) if that is not the desired behavior you should modify the inputs.
    if(GetRandomInt(1, 3) % 2 === 0){
        bethigh = true;
    } else {
        bethigh = false;
    chance = GetRandomInt(config.chanceLow.value, config.chanceHigh.value);
    payoutValue = 99.00 / chance;
    log.info("Multi: " + mt);

    if ((RunningBalance - startBalance) > = targetprofit) {
        game.stop ();
        log.info ("");
        log.info ("");
        log.info ("> > > Lợi nhuận đạt được:" + Profit.toFixed (8));
        log.info ("");
        log.info ("");
    log.info (nextbet);
    game.bet (nextbet, payoutValue) .then (function (payout) {
    var lợi nhuận = nextbet * payoutValue - nextbet;
    trước đó = nextbet;
    runBalance - = trước đó;
        if (thanh toán > 1) {
            runBalance + = trước đó * payoutValue;
            if (lợi nhuận > = tg) {
            tg = lợi nhuận * ppc;
            nextbet = base2;
            } khác {
                if (lợi nhuận > = 0) {
                    mt = 1;
                } khác {
                    mt = -1;
                cơ sở nextbet = lợi nhuận * mt * 0,15 +;
        } khác {
            if (lợi nhuận > = 0) {
                mt = 1;
            } khác {
               mt = - 1;
            nextbet = prebet * (cơ hội / 25);
            if (tiếp theo > = lãi) {
                cơ sở = cơ sở trước * 0,1 + cơ sở;
        if (runningBalance > = balmax) {
            balmax = runBalance * 1.001;
            nextbet = base2;
            log.info ("balmax:" + balmax);

chức năng GetRandomInt (tối thiểu, tối đa) {
var retValue = Math.floor (Math.random () * (max - min)) + min;
trả lại retValue;


Tôi đã sửa nó.


Thank you very much. You have been very enthusiastic in your support to redo this code. I tested and adjusted the interest rate to its original 5% and it worked very well.

var config = {
    label: "Base Bet",
    value: currency.amount * 0.000100,
    type: "number"
    label: "Payout Section (There is a high and a low value, when set a random value will be chosen between these numbers)",
    type: "title"
chanceLow: {
    label: "percentage change to set payout low",
    value: 45,
    type: "number"
chanceHigh: {
    label: "percentage change to set payout high",
    value: 55,
    type: "number"
stoppingConditions: {
    label: "Stopping Conditions",
    type: "title"
targetProfit: {
    label: "Target Profit",
    type: "number",
    value: currency.amount * 0.05

var base            = config.baseBet.value;
var base2           = base;
var chance          = 50;
var nextbet         = base;
var targetprofit    = config.targetProfit.value;
var ppc             = 1.005;
var tg              = base;
var mt              = 1;
var bethigh         = false;
var balmax          = currency.amount * 1.0001;
var previousbet     = nextbet;
var startingBalance = currency.amount;
var runningBalance  = currency.amount;
var payoutValue     = 99.00 / chance;

function main(){
    game.onBet = function(){
    // this random function will return a number between 1 and 3 inclusively so (1,2,3) if that is not the desired behavior you should modify the inputs.
    if(GetRandomInt(1, 3) % 2 === 0){
        bethigh = true;
    } else {
        bethigh = false;
    chance = GetRandomInt(config.chanceLow.value, config.chanceHigh.value);
    payoutValue = 99.00 / chance;
    log.info("Multi: " + mt);

    if((runningBalance - startingBalance) >= targetprofit){
        log.info(">>> Profit reached: " + profit.toFixed(8));
    game.bet(nextbet, payoutValue).then(function(payout){
    var profit = nextbet * payoutValue - nextbet;
    previousbet = nextbet;
    runningBalance -= previousbet;
        if(payout > 1){
            runningBalance += previousbet * payoutValue;
            if(profit >= tg){
            tg = profit * ppc;
            nextbet = base2;
            } else {
                if(profit >= 0){
                    mt = 1;
                } else {
                    mt = -1;
                nextbet = profit * mt * 0.15 + base;
        } else {
            if(profit >= 0){
                mt = 1;
            } else {
               mt =- 1;
            nextbet = previousbet * (chance / 25);
            if( nextbet >= profit){
                base = previousbet * 0.1 + base;
        if(runningBalance >= balmax){
            balmax  = runningBalance * 1.001;
            nextbet = base2;
            log.info("balmax: " + balmax);

function GetRandomInt(min, max) {
var retValue = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min;
return retValue;


I hope you stop when you have 5-10% of your capital left to avoid losing everything^^

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  • 3 weeks later...

Alguém consegue corrigir o erro do martingale desse script, após um numero máximo de perdas o payout reduz mas n consigo colocar o martingale pra calcular o valor certo para obter lucros?

var config = {
  bet: { label: "bet", value: 0.01, type: "number" },
  payout: { label: "payout", value: 2, type: "number" },
  maxLosses: { label: "maxLosses", value: 5, type: "number" },

var losses = 0;
var initialBet = config.bet.value;
var totalLoss = 0;
var totalProfit = 0;

function main() {
  game.onBet = function() {
    game.bet(config.bet.value, config.payout.value).then(function(payout) {
      if (payout > 1) {
        var profit = config.bet.value * (payout - 1);
        totalProfit += profit;
        log.success("Ganhamos, pagamento " + payout + "X! Lucro total: " + totalProfit);
        losses = 0;
        totalLoss = 0;
        config.bet.value = initialBet;
        config.payout.value = 2;
      } else {
        var loss = config.bet.value;
        totalLoss += loss;
        log.error("Perdemos, pagamento " + payout + "X! Perda total: " + totalLoss);
        if (losses <= config.maxLosses.value) {
          config.bet.value *= 2; // Dobrar a aposta
        if (losses == config.maxLosses.value) {
          config.payout.value = 1.35; // Reduzir o payout
          config.bet.value = totalLoss / (config.payout.value - 1); // Ajustar a aposta para garantir o lucro

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