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"Hi All,
I hoped to modify a code to play the Crash game using Code Injector to avoid errors and disturbances caused by the internet or other factors. Could someone please help me with this?
Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.


// Ensure these global variables are defined at the top of your script
var totalWagers = 0;
var totalWins = 0;
var totalLosses = 0;
var netProfitLoss = 0;
var highestProfit = 0;
var highestProfitTime = null;
var highestLoss = 0;
var highestLossTime = null;
var currentWinStreak = 0;
var longestWinStreak = 0;
var currentLoseStreak = 0;
var longestLoseStreak = 0;
var hadConsecutiveLosses = false;

var config = {
  baseBet: { label: "base bet", value: currency.minAmount, type: "number" },
  payout: { label: "payout", value: 2, type: "number" },
  reset: { label: "reset if next bet >", value: 20, type: "number" }, // Changed "stop" to "reset"
  onLoseTitle: { label: "On Lose", type: "title" },
  onLoss: {
    label: "",
    value: "increase",
    type: "radio",
    options: [
      { value: "reset", label: "Return to base bet" },
      { value: "increase", label: "Increase bet by (loss multiplier)" },
  lossMultiplier: { label: "loss multiplier", value: 1, type: "number" },
  onWinTitle: { label: "On Win", type: "title" },
  onWin: {
    label: "",
    value: "increase",
    type: "radio",
    options: [
      { value: "reset", label: "Return to base bet" },
      { value: "increase", label: "Increase bet by (win multiplier)" },
  winMultiplier: { label: "win multiplier", value: 1, type: "number" },

function main() {
  var currentBet = config.baseBet.value;
  var baseBet = config.baseBet.value; // Store the base bet for reset
  game.onBet = function () {
    if (currentBet < currency.minAmount) {
      log.error("Bet minimum amount " + currency.minAmount + ".");
      currentBet = currency.minAmount;
    game.bet(currentBet, config.payout.value).then(function (payout) {
      var profitLoss = (payout - 1) * currentBet;
      netProfitLoss += profitLoss;
      // Update highest profit or highest loss
      if (netProfitLoss > highestProfit) {
        highestProfit = netProfitLoss;
        highestProfitTime = new Date();
      if (netProfitLoss < highestLoss) {
        highestLoss = netProfitLoss;
        highestLossTime = new Date();

      if (payout > 1) {
        if (currentWinStreak > longestWinStreak) longestWinStreak = currentWinStreak;
        currentLoseStreak = 0;
        if (config.onWin.value === "increase") {
          currentBet += config.winMultiplier.value;
        } // Otherwise, keep the bet the same
        log.success("We won๐ŸŽ‰, so next bet will be " + currentBet + " " + currency.currencyName);
        if (hadConsecutiveLosses) {
          hadConsecutiveLosses = false;
      } else {
        if (currentLoseStreak > 1) hadConsecutiveLosses = true;
        currentWinStreak = 0;
        if (config.onLoss.value === "increase" && config.lossMultiplier.value !== 0) {
          currentBet -= config.lossMultiplier.value;
        } // Otherwise, keep the bet the same
        log.error("We lost๐Ÿ‘Ž, so next bet will be " + currentBet + " " + currency.currencyName);

      if (currentBet > config.reset.value) {
        log.error("Was about to bet " + currentBet + " which triggers the reset");
        currentBet = baseBet; // Reset the bet amount to base value
        config.payout.value = 2; // Reset the payout to base value

function logStats() {
  log.info(`Stats: Wagers: ${totalWagers}, Wins ๐Ÿ†: ${totalWins}, Losses ๐Ÿ‘Ž: ${totalLosses}, Net๐Ÿ’ฐ: ${netProfitLoss.toFixed(2)}`);
  log.info(`Profit: Highest๐Ÿ’น: ${highestProfit.toFixed(2)} (Time: ${highestProfitTime ? highestProfitTime.toLocaleString() : "N/A"})`);
  log.info(`Loss: LowestโŒ: ${highestLoss.toFixed(2)} (Time: ${highestLossTime ? highestLossTime.toLocaleString() : "N/A"})`);
  log.info(`Win Streak: Current: ${currentWinStreak}, Longest: ${longestWinStreak}`);
  log.info(`Lose Streak: Current: ${currentLoseStreak}, Longest: ${longestLoseStreak}`);

// Ensure you have defined currency, log, and game objects before running the main function.


Edited by FunnDonn
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