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Banned for tipping


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Do you think it fair that one would be banned from chat for tipping? Especially if the tipped individual had his receive tips from strangers option turned on? If you were getting tipped and someone banned the person for tipping you.. would you be upset that they are keeping you from money and gifts?


Mod bitch ass Source went power hungry and did that. I'm a high wagering customer and I'm gonna post this all over reddit bit coin forums  and telegram to let people know bc mods don't care about business.

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i think it really depends on how he was tipping you.  If it was tipping you a single tip for 100$ yeah that is a dick move to ban him.  If he was tipping you 100$ in   $0.10 increaments complete spamming the chat and being generally obnoxious with it, then i think it would be the right call.  I don't know the situation so in this case i can say which is correct. But i can see it from both perspectives.

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