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Everything posted by damned1979

  1. 9x | https://hash.game/#/sd/119673GTJOW4K3 15.5x | https://hash.game/#/sd/11967PIZF3VPQR 24.5x | https://hash.game/#/sd/119690R15DWVTF 35x | https://hash.game/#/sd/1196BGLBV2B28J
  2. id ticket: 2265495237189312540 id Ticket: 2266096659136131644 id Ticket: 2267366854978834531
  3. 15x | https://hash.game/#/sd/118EVKHOD2X5W3 25x | https://hash.game/#/sd/118EVN8O3GCZDF 33x | https://hash.game/#/sd/118EVPFQRN23V7
  4. 15x | https://hash.game/#/sd/1184UE28W2OBO3 25x | https://hash.game/#/sd/1184UJQ7FTBKSZ 33x | https://hash.game/#/sd/1184UMA83S73TF 150x | https://hash.game/#/sd/1184VBQ2CPF6Z7
  5. Bounty (500x or higher): Yes bountly: 510x https://hash.game/#/sd/1165Q81IZTSD8Z
  6. Good afternoon moderator, I received a warning in my email from you for something I did not do, and that is that I made the mistake of reporting a user who invited me to another casino and when reporting it the system assumes that I am the one who is spamming, I reiterate moderator, I report that user for spam and you penalize me. I would like to know how the system knew who reported the spam? You check my private messages to know if I contact someone ......

    I have also won an event (Limbo Prestige Challenge #75) that has not been paid to me.







    1. BCGame_Maxim


      Hey @demned1797, That was an error, issue is already highlighted. 

    2. damned1979
  7. Now I see this part of the forum, to keep in mind....
  8. | 5x https://bc.game/#/sd/115DR6UW5HDSER | 15x https://bc.game/#/sd/115DR9VK5S95W3 | 25x https://bc.game/#/sd/115DRBZ487CB2R | 33x https://bc.game/#/sd/115DRGXUDADL3N | 44x https://bc.game/#/sd/115DRKKG506YAB | 55x https://bc.game/#/sd/115DRO1IDVREVN | 75x https://hash.game/#/sd/115EP8D5UTWZYR | 90x https://hash.game/#/sd/115EPHTLJRUHHV | 100 https://bc.game/#/sd/115IQVY6N4ST8Z | 150x https://hash.game/#/sd/115EPXG3LBM13N | 300x https://hash.game/#/sd/115EQ488KFEUXF
  9. | 20 https://hash.game/#/sd/1155SWB1VCX0R7 | 33 https://hash.game/#/sd/1155T01R8JKUFN | 45 https://hash.game/#/sd/1155T5QGFCJU37 | 55 https://hash.game/#/sd/1155TC8BHXZJMB | 66 https://hash.game/#/sd/1155TQUUZTPBF7 | 75 https://hash.game/#/sd/1155TXDJ7KWETV
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